Mujer Virtuosa Mission Dominican Republic

Mujer Virtuosa Dominican Republic


Ayúdanos a construir MVM INTEGRAL

Refugio, Campamento & Casa de Retiro




Casa de Retiro

How to Support

Donation List


  • Community Christmas Dinner Dec 24, 25, 30
  • Prayers Nights Dec 24, 25, 28
  • Outdoor Evangelistic campaign Dec 29, 30, 31
  • Tardes de Artes Para damas Dec 19 -21
  • Children Art Camping Dec 15 - 18
  • Fundraising Gala Dic. 28, 2024


Mujer Virtuosa mission DR

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Missionaries
  • Social Interns
  • Architect
  • Electrician
  • Sustainable Designer
  •  Construction Workers
  • General Helpers

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please fill out this application.

MVM Mission Dominica Republic

In August 2018, Mujer Virtuosa International stated Mujer Virtuosa Dominican Rep. to outreach and restore women and children victims and survivors of domestic violence.

Your support will help us in developing our mission for Mujer Virtuosa Dominican Rep: 

To Outreach Women and Children Survivors of Domestic Violence in the Dominican Republic. 

Reaching a Woman to Transform a Family.

Your support will help us in developing our mission for Mujer Virtuosa Dominican Rep: Outreaching for Women and Children that are Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence in the Dominican Republic. 


  • Start a National campaign to raise public awareness against domestic violence
  • To create a centralized hot number for victims 
  • To fix and our new location to be able to provide service for the victims and the community 
  • To buy equipment and furniture to offer services to the community 
  • To assist the community's families in needs while the resources are available
  • To provide one meal once a week for the children outreach meeting 
  • To offer weekly meals for the women and children during the support and educational groups 


Through the years we are seeing how the vision of Virtuous Woman has been growing step by step. Today we can say, that until now, the Lord has brought us, and He will continue to carry us. We have had ups and downs, but without turning to the left, nor to the right, we continue to advance and fighting the good battle of faith. 

Yes, we still are in the process of building up, reaching out the fulfilling of the Virtuous Woman Ministries' vision complete development as the Lord gave it to us in the year 2002, in the Bronx, NY. 

Thanks to the infinite grace of the Lord, His favor and His mercy for friends and brothers like you who believe in our calling. He blessed us by your support and generous contributions. Virtuous Woman Ministries, Inc. has been able to reach, touch and impact the lives of hundreds of women and their families, in one way or another through all these years. 

Suupport MVM Mission Dominican Rep. 2024
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" The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. "Matt. 11:12, KJV).  

The Mission Program is focused on


  • Community outreach domestic violence campaign for awareness and prevention 
  • Women education & support groups 
  • Children's art camp, education & Bible studies
  • Evangelist campaign
  • Prayer, worship, and miracles' nights
  • Workshops, Conference and trainings


We bless your live in the Name or Our Lord Jesus Christ. We invite you to join our us with your generous contribution to our cause.  

Your contribution could be the seed to harvest thousands of women and families reaching and transformed in the United States and now in the Dominican Republic.  

Mujer Virtuosa's Purpose 

Mujer Virtuosa mission and purpose is to support, educate and connect women and families on personal, spiritual, family, social-economics matters.

Mujer Virtuosa's Mission 

To empower women to discover their potential and developing their capacities, expanding their resources and improve their limitations. By building their self-esteem, and getting the confidence and leadership. 

Mujer Virtuosa's Vision

For help woman and their family to reach a successful, peaceful, dignified and productive life for them and their families, as is the God's plan for their lives and their families.  
“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.”
Proverbs 31:10
“The wise woman builds her house...”
Proverbs 14:1

Mujer Virtuosa Ministries is a (501(c)(3) 
IRS Tax-Eexempt approved.
All donations are tax deductible



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