Wednesday @ 7:30 pm
Support Dominican Republic Mission 2019
Mujer Virtuosa Mission Dominican Republic
Made by the Potter's Hands is a therapeutic group of arts and crafts for women to share skills and learn from each other while establishing connections with other women.
All women are warmly invited to come to learn and share in a Christian and creative environment.
You do not need to have a background in arts or crafts. You are welcome, either that you want to learn, or that you have a skill that you would like to share.
Snacks and basic craft supplies will be provided, and the topics of the classes are a biblical reflection about women interests will be led by the facilitator.
Meetings: The Second Thursdays of each month from 7:00 to 9:00 pm
83 Morgan Street, Suite D, Stamford, CT 06905

Your support will help us in developing our mission for Mujer Virtuosa Dominican Rep: Outreaching for Women and Children that are Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence in the Dominican Republic.
Through the years we are seeing how the vision of Virtuous Woman has been growing step by step. Today we can say, that until now, the Lord has brought us, and He will continue to carry us. We have had ups and downs, but without turning to the left, nor to the right, we continue to advance and fighting the good battle of faith.
Thanks to the infinite grace of the Lord, His favor and His mercy for friends and brothers like you who believe in our calling. He blessed us by your support and generous contributions. Virtuous Woman Ministries, Inc. has been able to reach, touch and impact the lives of hundreds of women and their families, in one way or another through all these years.
Yes, we still are in the process of building up, reaching out the fulfilling of the Virtuous Woman Ministries' vision complete development as the Lord gave it to us in the year 2002, in the Bronx, NY.
1372 Summer St. STE 200 Stamford CT 06905