Past Events

Orando y Creyendo Sin Dudar Annual Conference

Saturday,  March 2nd., 2019

From 4:00 to 8:00 PM

Venue: 1177 High Ridge Rd, Stamford, CT 06905

Make Your Reservation Now

This is my prayer for you
And yours
This year 2019

The English Prayer will be post soon

Gracias por el Año Nuevo 2019 que comienza, y todas las bendiciones que nos dará. Te amo, oh Adonaí, fortaleza mía. Adonaí, roca mía y castillo mío, y mi libertador; Dios mío, fortaleza mía, en Ti confiaré; Mi escudo, y la fuerza de mi salvación, mi alto refugio.
Leer la Oración Completa


Dr. Moises mercedes

Dr. Moises Mercedes
Prince of Peace Church Senior Pastor 
Vida Real Yoyal Life Founder  

Josefina Céspedes

Mujer Virtuosa ministries Founder and CEO

Yes, I would like to help with the cost of this conference

$20.00 or more will cover the cost 
of attendance and dinner for a woman.

Praying & Believing Without Debut
Mujer Virtuosa Annual Conference

Saturday,  March 2nd., 2019

From 4:00 to 8:00 PM

1177 High Ridge Rd, Stamford, CT 06905

Conferences Registration

Complete your reservation and make your payment now to secure your space

Conferences Reservations

Individual Reservation
Table for 10 Reservation
I want to sponsor This Events
  • Childcare will be offert for a fee of $10.
  • Please note that No children under 11 will be allow in the conference room. 
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